Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cypess Photographer: Hoodies and Hugs

This evening couldn't have been more perfect, the weather, the fall colors and these super sweet little boys...we had so much fun I enjoyed every minute of the session...Mom did an AMAZING job with their outfits and the two Mr. T's were AWESOME....most of you know I will always get those silly giggly shots but we all know the shot that makes me melt every time...the serious "quiet smile" and this dude had it down it, literally took like one or two tries and he had "it" one point I was working on mini dude and older brother turn his face into his hands and says no the quiet smile is like this okay, did the face and mini dude said ohhhh and DID IT!  Mr. T you rock!  what a great older brother..really can you get any cuter?  Thanks again mom I had so much fun with your boys they are adorable :)  Here is your sneak peek :)

1 comment:

Jana Kunz said...

I LOVE these. Awesome job. :)