Monday, June 21, 2010

back at it...kinda

I'm back in the office today, kinda...for a little bit at a time, I am hoping to be caught up by mid week next week....I am going through over 895 emails so if I haven't got to yours yet, be patient I'm getting through them as quickly as I can :)  If you have placed an order with in this crazy madness of the past 2 weeks I will get your order out as soon as humanly possible and I am in the process of rescheduling everyone whom I had to cancel on.  The doctor said 6 weeks before I can shoot again, this is going to be torture but she said because she knows I will be lifting that heavy furniture and doesn't want me to over do it.  So I am looking at the last week in July and beginning of August to start shooting, so combined with sessions already scheduled and rescheduling it looks like all of July is full as well as the first 2 weeks of August...THEN SCHOOL STARTS, can I get an AMEN!  So it looks like I have to say the word, oh that word that strikes fear and panic in the hearts of Photographers...Holiday sessions :)  Not that we don't love it, I do, its just this is our busiest season of the year, our crazy time and last year was one of my busiest on record I had to turn people away and I really don't like doing if you are going to be doing a holiday session call me a soon as you can I will be only photograhing until November 15th unlike last year I photographed until December 15th.  I also am going to be holding several days where I do Christmas mini session, be on the look out for those in July's Newsletter ( pssst if you don't get the newsletter, be sure to sign up for it on the Blog)...well I thinks that's all... If anyone has any questions or hasn't heard back from me and has sent me an email please call, it may have fallen in the bottomless pit which is known as spam :)  smooches K

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