Monday, February 21, 2011

Out of the office..for a little while

I will be away from the office for about a month...

Austin is going in bright and early tomorrow for step 2 of 3 for his brain resection surgery, he will be there for 2-4 weeks...I will have access to email and internet so I will be returning emails but it may take me a little bit to get back to you...

I still have a few spot remaining for mini's in the spring, I have 3 spots left and then thats it for sessions until October, if you would like a spring session please contact me as soon as possible to reserve your spot....scroll down just a tad to get info on the minis :)

Also for anyone that would like to follow along on Austins journey we have set up a group page on facebook; It's Just B.S. ( its just brain surgery, austins journey through brain surgery) ...add us to keep up to date on aussie.

Talk soon, K

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