Monday, August 23, 2010

the yellow taxi to freedom....

Well it's here, the BIG day...the first day of school, the day since the first day of summer that most moms are looking forward to, the day the teachers find out who will be the class helper, the class drama queen, the class clown and the repeat offender...

This year the preparations for our first day were slightly, anticlimactic...we didn't have to go wage war in the Walmart school supply isle, I didn't have to wait in a ton of lines in Abercrombie or Hollister my highlight was sitting at the table of shame at the high school, where the other moms who weren't cool enough to walk the halls with the teenagers and waited for.."I'm done, can we go, oh and I'll meet you in the car, I think I forgot something", code for; I'm walking behind you so no one can tell we are basically this years getting ready for school was a bit first I was all, I like this, so easy, nothing to this, hand em my debit card, give them a limit and a verbal threat and pick them up 2 hours later, piece of cake...then it hit me the count down, I hate countdowns....I realized I only have 3 more first days of schools...3!  Then all my babies will be out of  TAKSisd  Cy-Fair ISD..and gone, college bound...really 3 more I'm a bit sad so much so I got up at 5:30AM! and fixed the criminals a proper breakfast, no not Nutrigrains Bars, a real IHOP breakfast but without the bad service....and watched as they packed their own lunches, prepared their on backpacks, brushed their own teeth, made sure there phones were charged and silenced, gave hugs and kisses and I tiptoed to hug and kiss each one and me and the dogs watched as they boarded (SHOTGUN!!!)  the Honda from Hell known as Kendres car and drove off....I didnt cry...I cleand up there mess from making their own lunches ( cant expect them to clean it up to, nooo) had a bowl of cereal...then I layed down and took a nap :) soooo

Happy first day of school moms, treasure each one, there are only 12 and they are fleeting :)

So in keeping with tradition, the first day of school picture, which I was told was not going to it is, the best I could get :)